Quick template: requested commentary to the SCA Board of Directors
Writing to the Board, when they have requested feedback and commentary
Every so often I see a post on Facebook from the official SCA account asking for commentary on a potential corpora or bylaw change. The comment period is usually three months. I have been trying to comment on solicited requests for commentary for things I’m in favor of as well as things I am not. This is a change from 2019, when I wrote only unsolicited messages to SCA Corporate asking the board to make changes, and comes in addition to those unsolicited messages, signing petitions led by others, going to events that board members hold open sessions at (when they’re close enough for me to attend), and trying to make the changes I want to see in my local group.
How to do it
- (Required) Use the Comments alias: SCA-Comments@sca.org
- (Suggested) No need to cc your ombudsman for either the theme of the commentary or your local area, for solicited feedback. I recommend ccing every somewhat relevant ombudsman on unsolicited feedback though!
- (Suggested) Write in your email that you’d like a response confirming receipt. Both times I have done this Leslie has written me back quickly to say my feedback was received and added to the file, which I really do appreciate! If you have some other call-to-action you’d prefer to end with, for example a change request, add that as well.
- Sign with your modern name (required), SCA name (required if you have one, but still send if you don’t), member number (required if you have one, but still send if you don’t), and the highest level of award that you have, if any (suggested, probably works better if you have a GoA or peerage, but I do it anyway because I’m proud of what I have accomplished so far even if it isn’t having a society-wide impact just yet)
A recent example
I’m in favor of this change to restructure Chatelaine and DEIB offices at a corporate level: http://www.sca.org/news/commentary-request-proposed-changes-chatelaine-and-deib/. Thanks for posting it for commentary. Please let me know this was received, and feel free to forward it on as necessary.
Thanks, and happy holidays/new year,
(my modern name) (they/them)
Noble Anne of Østgardr, Silver Wheel of the East, Defender of the Silver Tyne of the Outlands
member # (my member number)